Brave New World


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Book Summary
Book Summary of Brave New World

The novel opens with a tour of the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre. Huxley introduces BNW's World State motto, "Community, identity, and stability" (page 3). A group of male students are taking a tour directed by the Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning. The tour includes a visit to the conveyor belt, which harbors the embryos that will be the future Alpha, Betas, Gammas, and Epsilon's. The new students learn that the different classes are preconditioned through such methods as oxygen starvation; an introduction to heat that would make their bodies dislike the cold. The students learned that this preconditioning helps keep the society in order. The students also visit the children being conditioned. They saw Elementary Sex lessons as well as Elementary Class Consciousness. These acts help the children be more open to sex, death, and accept their role in society. The boys are introduced to Lenina Crowe who completes the rest of their tour. Upon completion of the tour Lenina travels to the girls dressing room and here we discover that is a normal thriving person in the BNW society.

In chapter four Lenina accepts an offer from Bernard to go to see the Savage Reservation. Bernard is embarrassed that Lenina openly expresses her feelings and concerns about the trip, and here we first see that Bernard does not follow the norms for his society. We see that he is shy and wants to stay to himself. These feelings could have been spawned from Bernard's insecurity about his size; he is shorter than his cohorts, which makes him resemble a lower caste. This opens the door for many acts of ridicule or embarrassment.

Henry and Lenina go on a date to play Obstacle Golf. During their helicopter ride back home we learn about the way the BNW views death. They see it as simply a part of life.

In chapter six the director approved Bernard's visit to the Savage Reservation with Lenina. He also tells Bernard that he visited the Reservation 20 years ago with a young woman named Linda, she was lost during a storm. No one knows what happened to Linda, or her whereabouts.

Linda and Bernard travel to the Savage Reservation when they get there they are sent to the Warden, and he talks their ears off with uesless facts, at this point bernard freaks out because he realizes that he left his scent tap on. The book makes it obvious that this would be a costly mistake, so he calls his friend Hemlhotlz and asks him to turn it off. Helmholts tells him that he heard the director talking about shipping him off to Iceland because of his views on the BNW society.

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