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Brave New World

Some of our favorite quotes from the book

"Ending is better than mending."  (pg 52)

"Euphoric, narcotic, and pleasantly hallucinate."  (pg 53)

"I haven't been feeling very keen on promiscuity lately." 

"Mending is anti-social."  (pg 121)

"Murder kills only the individual and after all, what is an individual?"  (pg 148)

"Nothing like an oxygen shortage for keeping an embryo below par."  (pg 14)

"A gramme is better than a damn."  (pg 89) 

"Put your arms around me...Hug me till you drug me, honey...Kiss me till I'm in a coma. Hug me honey, snuggly..."  (pg 194)

"God in the safe and Ford on the shelves."  (pg 231)

"Everyone works for everyone.  We can't do without anyone.  Even Epsilons are useful.  We couldn't do without Epsilons.  Everyone works for everyone else.  We can't do without anyone"  (pg 74)

"Community, Identity, Stabitity" (pg1)

Alien beauty queen